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Real Impact (and ROI) of Social Media

Social media can be an incredibly useful tool in sharing your brand's message. This course covers lessons and insights on maximizing your brand's impact on social media. You will learn the roles of organic content and paid promotions, in addition to determining the right balance between the two for your group. The course will include real-world examples from The White House, corporate brands, and major causes. You will also discuss the importance of social voice, maximizing limited budgets, and avoiding the wastefulness that plagues almost all digital advertising. You will also learn industry social media trends and how to maximize your presence and grow your audience on a budget.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the importance of social media to maximize your brand's impact and gain an audience
2. Determine how to use organic content and paid promotions
3. Gain insights from real-world examples of social media promotion
4. Learn social media trends

Ory Rinat
Urban Legend

Maggie Quinn
Director of Public Relations
Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S.